August Blog: Going Back to School After a Long Hot Summer

“Going back to school after a long hot summer can be just as exciting as it is stressful for both children and adults alike. Every August, children, teens, and young adults put down their pool noodles and pick up their backpacks as they prepare to start the school year. This time can be so very exiting. The prospect of making new friends, learning new things, and joining extracurriculars can be an extremely positive experience for most of us attending school. For some, this could give off a completely opposite effect.

COVID-19 caused a vast majority of schools to go completely virtual, then slowly scaffolding back into the classroom earlier this year. For many students, parents, and teachers, this was anxiety-inducing and extremely stressful. Teachers were unexpectedly taken from their classroom and expected to virtualize their lesson plans, students had trouble communicating with their peers and teachers, and parents struggled helping their students navigate through the online curriculum. This year, many schools across the nation have decided to let teachers and students back in the classroom, but with safety precautions such as masks. All involved can be feeling anxiety right now, especially with the Delta Variant quickly becoming a big problem. The “what if’s” going through teachers, students, and parents minds right now can be enough to cause excessive anxiety and the prospect of being isolated again could possibly even lead to depression.

Going back to school can be a fun and very positive experience. Even through virtual, we all know we are in this together. We can make new friends and learn new things, even from the safety of our homes. If you are a student struggling with the anxiety of the upcoming school year, please reach out to your local counseling agency. If you are a teacher suffering from severe stress while going over all the “what if” scenarios this school year can bring, please give a local therapist a call. If you are a parent struggling to understand how to help your child navigate through this semester safely, know that you are not alone and that you can always seek help from a therapist.

Your mental health matters and you are not alone in your struggles!
Please do not hesitate to seek help and know that we are all in this together!”

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